Temple Baseball
Alumni Biz Connect

Temple Baseball
Alumni Biz Connect

Nick Ofak and Don Martin, two Temple Baseball Alumni and current entrepreneurs started this biz connect chapter to allow all past players who are now business owners or in the field of promotion/sales the opportunity to reconnect, renew relationships and generate business collaborations and referrals. Set up your membership to be notified when our virtual and live events are held.

Chapter Facilitator 

Nick Ofak

Nick Ofak and Don Martin, two Temple Baseball Alumni and current entrepreneurs started this biz connect chapter to allow all past players who are now business owners or in the field of promotion/sales the opportunity to reconnect, renew relationships and generate business collaborations and referrals. Set up your membership to be notified when our virtual and live events are held.
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Attend a Chapter Event

Both Virtual and in-person Chapter Events available.
Register For Upcoming Events
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